Aus der Laudatio: "Herrn Professor Dr. David Headley Green, Canberra, wurde in Würdigung seiner großen wissenschaftlichen Verdienste um die Petrologie die Abraham-Gottlob-Werner-Medaille in Silber verliehen. David H. Green is one of today's most outstanding modern petrologists. (...) During his scientific career David Green has made fundamental contributions to our present knowledge of melt generation and melt differentiation in the earth. (...) He was the first to recognize that large bodies of spinel peridotite in the earth's crust like the famous Lizard peridotite were emplaced as high-temperature diapirs into their bedrocks. (...) A highlight of his cooperation with E. A. Ringwood and a benchmark in magmatic petrology was - and still is - the classic paper on the origin of basaltic magmas published in Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology. (...) Apart from his outstanding scientific achievements, the Deutsche Mineralogische Gesellschaft also honours David Green as an inspiring academic teacher. Some of the younger petrologists in Germany, who are now in prominent positions at German universities, had the privilge of being among his students."