Deutsche Mineralogische Gesellschaft

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GOOD DOME Meeting Goslar 2025

During the annual DOME Assembly, the young DOME researchers present their current status while the GOOD meeting aims to connect young professionals including BSc, MSc, and Ph.D. students and early career Postdoc scientists from all disciplines in ore deposit geology.

Time to connect these two young researcher events! All participants will have the opportunity to present and discuss their research or previous work with an audience of the same level.  Therefore, we invite young researchers in the field of ore deposit geology to the combined DOME General Assembly and the GOOD meeting 2025 at the Bildungshaus Zeppelin und Steinberg in Goslar from 31.03.2025 until 04.04.2025.

During the first part of the event, we will have talks by the young researchers of and outside of DOME (PhDs, Post-docs, or students) followed by a short field trip. We thank our invited speakers Christian Ihlenfeld (Anglo-American) and Iris Sonntag (DFG-German Research Foundation) for joining our Assembly. Questions and abstracts can be sent to The combined registration form and abstract template can be found here. The registration deadline is 25.01.2025 and the registration is binding.

There are limited capacities but all DOME projects are obligated to present their research and further preference is given to young researchers. Please state your current status in the registration form. The DOME funding can cover the costs of the hotel, meals, and field trip but further travel expenses (e.g. train/car) can only be covered for researchers connected to a DOME project. DMG student members can be supported with up to 100€ by the DMG travel grant. To avoid unnecessary costs, also state the date of arrival and departure and if you take part in the field trip.


Monday (31.03.2025):

Arrival Date and Ice-Breaker Party

Tuesday + Wednesday (01.04. + 02.04.2025):

Talks by invited speakers and young researchers

Thursday + Friday (03.04. + 04.04.2025)

1.5 days of field trip including Rammelsberg and other locations within the Harz Mountains

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