Deutsche Mineralogische Gesellschaft

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FIERCE Isotope Short Course 2025

11 – 14 March 2025

The course will be organized by and held at FIERCE – the Frankfurt Isotope and Element Research Center, Institut für Geowissenschaften, Goethe-Universität Frankfurt with talks and discussion between 10:00h and 18:00h CET.

FIERCE runs their bi-annual short course on the analysis of stable and radiogenic isotopes (e.g., Li, B, Sr, Mo, Nd, Hf, W, U-Pb, U-Th, Re-Os) as well as trace elements in rocks and minerals by laser ablation and solution-based ICP-MS. Presentations comprise technical aspects of instrumentation, methods, and a wide range of applications with an emphasis on geochronology, processes on the early Earth and in the solar system, composition and evolution of oceans and the continental crust.

Requirements: The course is designed for PhD students/post-docs with existing basic knowledge on isotope geology and is given as individual lectures by experts in the field. Interested MSc students are, however, also welcome.

Speakers: Robert Anczkiewicz (Polish Academy of Sciences), Sonja Aulbach, Jan Fietzke (GEOMAR), Axel Gerdes, Dominik Hezel, Martin Kutzschbach, Horst Marschall, Wolfgang Müller, André Paul; further external speakers to be announced.

The programme for this years' short course will available late 2024/early 2025. Until then, please see the 2023 programme for reference.

Registration: will be available online late 2024.

Course venue: Goethe-Universität Frankfurt, Campus Riedberg, Institut für Geowissenschaften, Altenhöferallee 1, 60438 Frankfurt am Main. Please see the following map.

Cost: 100 € course fee, including refreshments and a short course dinner on Thursday night for participants from academic institutions, 350 € for other participants.


Prof. Dr. Elena Sturm
sturm.elena at

Dr. Ralf Dohmen
ralf.dohmen at

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