Deutsche Mineralogische Gesellschaft

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Metal stable isotopes as fingerprints in the Earth and the environment

31 March – 5 April 2025

DMG Short Course 2025 Metal stable isotopes as fingerprints in the Earth and the environment

FU MSc-GG019 V and Ü (24116601/2)

Prof. Friedhelm von Blanckenburg & Dr. Patrick Frings

GFZ Potsdam und FU Fachbereich Geowissenschaften

Date: 31. March – 5. April 2025

Place: Section 3.3 „Earth Surface Geochemistry“, GFZ Potsdam

Registration: Until 15. February 2025 with Dr. Patrick Frings:

FU students please also enrol online in FU “Campusmanagement”.

Participants: about 12

Course language: English

Credit Points: 6 LP

Fees: None. DMG members can obtain a travel grant of  up to €100.-

Course methods: Lectures and simple calculation practicals of isotope fractionation. Practicals in the clean laboratory and with the mass spectrometer.

Prerequisites: BSc in Geosciences, Chemistry, or Physics. Basics in analytical chemistry, basics of stable isotopes geochemistry, good knowledge of fundamental math and physics.

Topics: We explore the so-called „non-traditional“ stable isotopes, of which the minor shifts by isotope fractionation have been made detectable by multicollector ICP-mass spectrometry. These are for example the elements lithium, magnesium, silicon, calcium or iron. We will address the following topics:

• Why do isotopes shift their relative abundances? Principles of mass-dependent isotope fractionation. Isotope fractionation during precipitation, mineral dissolution, weathering, uptake by higher plants, biomedical applications, the hydrosphere, and paleo-climate. Basics of MC-ICP-mass spectrometry: sample preparation, ionisation, ion optics and mass separation, detection systems, laser ablation, data evaluation

• Lectures will alternate with conducting a real-life experiment on the mass spec and in the clean lab.

Further information : Friedhelm von Blanckenburg:


Prof. Dr. Elena Sturm
sturm.elena at

Dr. Marie Gentzmann
marieh6591 at

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