Deutsche Mineralogische Gesellschaft

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In situ Analysis of Isotopes and Trace Elements by Femtosecond Laserablation ICP-MS

6 – 10 October 2025

Short course: „In situ-Analyses of Isotope and trace elements with (MC-) ICP-MS coupled to a femtosecond-Laser ablation system“ 

Location: Institute of Earth System Sciences (Section Mineralogy), Leibniz University Hannover, Callinstr. 3, 30167 Hannover 

Lecturer: I. Horn, M. Lazarov, M. Oeser-Rabe, S. Weyer (et al.) 

Participants: max. 12, for PhD students of Geosciences 

Fees: EUR 50 (incl. some drinks and a BBQ) 

The short course offers lectures, theoretical and practical exercises about in situ-analyses of isotope and trace elements using ICP-MS (ThermoScientific Element-XR and Neptune-Plus MC-ICP-MS,) coupled to a laser ablation system (SpectraPhysics femtosecond Laser). With femtosecond laser ablation, relevant materials in geosciences (e.g. minerals, glasses, ice) can be ablated without element- or isotope fractionation. This is particularly suitable for in situ stable isotope analyses, a research focus in Hannover. 

Major Subjects of the course are: 

  • Basics of (plasma source) mass spectrometry and laser ablation 
  • Methods of in situ-analyses of trace elements with LA-ICP-MS in different geo-materials 
  • Methods of in situ-analyse of radiogenic and stable isotopes with LA-MC-ICP-MS 
  • Applications of „non-traditional“ stabile isotopes in geosciences 

Subjects of the practical exercises include e.g.: 

  • In situ-analyse of trace elements in glasses or fluid inclusions 
  • In situ-analyses of radiogenic isotopes in minerals, e.g. Sr or Pb 
  • In situ-analyses of stabile isotopes e.g. in glasses, carbonates, ore minerals or zoned magmatic minerals (e.g. Li, B, Mg, Si, S, Fe, Cu, Mo, Sn or Sb) 

Application until July 1st 2025 to 


Prof. Dr. Elena Sturm
sturm.elena at

Dr. Marie Gentzmann
marieh6591 at

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