Working group

Mineralogical Museums and Collections

of the German Mineralogical Society

Welcome on the website of our working group

The working group "Mineralogical Museums and Collections" is a lobby of Mineralogical Museums organized within the German Mineralogical Society (DMG: Deutsche Mineralogische Gesellschaft).

The working group meets regularly every second year. Ad hoc meetings take place during the annual symposia of the DGM and the annual mineral fair (The Munich Show).

The venue of the regular meetings (2 days) comprises scientific talks, poster presentations and it provides the opportunity for plenary sessions. Furthermore do we foster communication amongst the museums and initiate and coordinate joint projects

Currently, the working group has four joint projects:

An up-to-date poster, entitled "Mineralogical Museums and their Collections in Germany", which can be downloaded at this site (pdf A0 with 5.3 MB and A3 mit 4.8 MB), an e-mail network of German Mineralogical Collections, a Type Specimen Catalogue which gives information about type specimen deposited in German Museums and a message board for analytical results from the museums of our working group, the so-called Analysen-Ticker (in german).