Willkommen auf der Webseite der Deutschen Mineralogischen Gesellschaft e.V. (DMG)
Who we are
The official YoungMineralogists group of the DMG was founded in 2023 from a small circle of young scientists who were primarily interested in showing young researchers the opportunities and also the obstacles of an academic career. As YoungMineralogists - or simply YoungMins - we want to stand up for the interests of young researchers in the DMG. We are contact persons for your first meeting, we are your bridge to GeStEIN and the young scientists' organizations of the other professional societies. And if you want to get involved in the DMG, we offer you a start at eye level!
Our goals
Especially when you are still studying, information about career opportunities in science, industry and other fields of work is important to have a perspective. Both opportunities and stumbling blocks should be openly communicated during the early career phase. Here, the DMG as a representation of mineralogists from the most diverse sections (such as crystallography, geochemistry or petrology) in Germany plays a key role, which we as YoungMins want to fulfill in the best possible way. Our goals are therefore:
Why is this important to us and the DMG board?
As an umbrella for mineralogists of different disciplines (such as crystallography, geochemistry or petrology) in Germany, the DMG fulfills the important roles of both an internal discussion forum and a mouthpiece of mineralogy to the outside world. Young and committed members are the basis for the continuous development of the DMG.
As YoungMins we want to help you to make your entry into the DMG as well as your first steps in science easy and uncomplicated, but at the same time goal-oriented and sustainable. Because the first conference, the exchange with colleagues or networking with other professional societies - all this is not always easy during your studies or at the beginning of your scientific career.
You want to support young mineralogists with your experience?
Please contact us at youngmins@dmg-home.org and find out how you can support us - and thus the many young mineralogists in Germany.
We are looking forward to you!
Laura Czekay (Speaker)
BGI Bayreuth
Paul Krause (Deputy spokesman)
German Mining Museum Bochum
Rebecca Volkmann (Website maintenance)
GFZ Potsdam
Dominik Mock
BGE Peine
Malte Junge
LMU Munich
11.10.23, 20:00
Online at gather.town
To participate just send an e-mail to youngmins@dmg-home.org